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The College Move

14 Jun 2024 8:11 AM | Jeff Schultheis

It’s a rite of passage that many students go to college.  While the academia portion is very important, another important portion is the new living space and the packing of the car. We are going to assume that this student is moving into a dormitory. We also are going to assume that this student is also coming to the dorm in a car as opposed to coming on a plane.

Many students have the opportunity to see their new dorm space, but sometimes, it is eye opening when arriving the first day.   The haul from the car can be overwhelming as well.  Not to be sexist, but a female student is going to have a greater inventory than a male student.

Many campuses have move-in teams that will help you.  They bring a large commercial grade bin on wheels that you can fill with your items for your dorm.  But in past experience, all items will not necessarily fit in said bin.  You don’t want to be using boxes to haul your things, because there is the issue of getting rid of the boxes after you unpack.  Then come springtime, your family will want you to be packed up before they arrive to pick you up.  And those roller bins are not going to be around to help you move out.

This is where large reusable shopping bags come into play.  Think those large blue bags from Ikea or any large bag.  They can be filled with a variety of things and then slung over your shoulder leaving your arms free to carry more items.  Sometimes you can even sling two bags over one shoulder.  The best part is they fold up flat to be stored for the school year.  

Consider taking two sets of sheets and two sets of towels.  Your bed can be made right away without having to do laundry before bedtime.  Also consider a Ziploc flexible tote to store your extra sheets and towels under your bed.  Those reusable shopping bags can also be stored in there as well.  The Ziploc tote is smaller than a large bin and also allows drawer space to be used for clothing.

Parents, your student is starting a new adventure.  They will figure it out and most likely learn from it.  Let them do the learning their way.

Post written by:Ellen Limes, CPO®

Certified Professional Organizer



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