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Get Organized Tips From Experienced Organizers

01 Jan 2015 10:22 AM | Julie Riber, CPO® (Administrator)

January is Get Organized Month according to The National Association of Professional Organizers.  The first month of the year is a popular month for many to make it a priority to get organized.  Some make it their New Year’s Resolution while others just want to start their year with an organized space. 

The Golden Circle of NAPO is comprised of those individuals who have been in the organizing business for over 5 years.  The Professional Organizers with the Golden Circle designation in the Ohio chapter of NAPO have put together a list of tips to start your journey to get and stay organized.          

  • ·       Start small when you have decided to tackle organizing such as a drawer and allow your- self enough time to get it done.
  • ·       Write down your goals for organizing a space. 

  • ·       Schedule time on your calendar to organize just as you would a doctor’s appointment.  You are more likely to accomplish the goal. 
  • ·       Store like items together in a bin close to where you use them.  Make it easy to put things away.  If it is hard, chances are you will not put them away
  • ·       Always give yourself plenty of room to grow in those bins. 
  • ·       Only keep what your love and use.  The rest is clutter.
  • ·       Use plastic bins that fit your cupboards to group medicines.  Some bins even have handles and the bins will help you keep them in one space and avoid knocking over all the other bottles over as you grab what you need. 
  • ·       Go through your medicine cabinet frequently to discard expired or no longer needed medications.  Many area hospitals will take them and dispose of them properly.  Do not flush them.
  • ·       As you are storing your holiday decorations, write an inventory on the inside lid of the box so items will fit easily and consistently year after year. 
  • ·       After each holiday you decorate, donate those items you are no longer using.  Give yourself permission to change and not put up as much or different decorations. 
  • ·       Label your bins on the outside so you always know what is inside. 
  • ·       Use an over the door clear shoe pockets for gloves and hats in the hall closet.  Guests will have a place to put theirs and little ones can use lower pockets for their gloves and hats.
  • ·       Do not feel guilty for not keeping every card you have ever received from family and friends.  Appreciate the sentiment and recycle the cards. 
  • ·       Keep only one calendar.  Paper or electronic.  Too many calendars will cause you to miss or be late for appointments. 
  • ·       My Medical App for Apple products and My Health Records-Health and Family app for Android products is a great place to record documents, photos, family history and doctor information.
  • ·       Pocket Pharmacist app for Apple products allows you to make sure the medications you or a loved one is taking will not adversely affect each other. 
  • ·       Know Your Stuff App for Apple products and III Insurance App for Android products is a great place to store pictures of important belongings in your home for insurance purposes.  You may also add costs and receipts. 
  • ·        January is tax preparation month and if you don’t have a filing system set up, simple white envelopes work great, categorizing by each tax deductible expense, such as business expenses, daycare expenses, mileage or car expenses, charitable donations, medical expenses, etc.
  • ·       Once everybody has left from the holidays and the decorations are down, take a walking tour of your home and write down areas needing attention or a project you'd like to see done.  Set them by priority and make appointments with yourself during the winter weekends to start tackling them one at a time.
  • ·       When sorting through things determine what you use, what can be donated, and what just needs thrown away. Establish handy places for the things you use the most!
  • ·       Hire a Professional Organizer as they are experts in completing projects, keeping you focused and selecting the right products.  They also have numerous resources for donating unwanted items. 

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