April Brings Spring Cleaning

05 Apr 2021 12:39 PM | Julie Riber, CPO® (Administrator)

April Brings Spring Cleaning

 Every spring you plan on cleaning out all the closets, deep cleaning the cupboards and maybe even having a garage sale to remove all the clutter in the basement or garage.  It seems like you never have the time, or the weather is so nice you would rather be outside.  The kids have started their spring sport programs with practices and games.  Your time is limited so choose the area to clean based on the weather. 

When it is 70 degrees or above and sunny out, clean out the garage or work on the yard. For the garage, you will want to take most items out to spray out the salt and chemicals that have accumulated on your garage floor over the winter.  Tracking those in the house is bad on any type of flooring you have.  In your yard it means cleaning up the leaves that you missed on the last rake during the fall or picking up all those limbs that fell during the winter.  Some even see small early weeds to pull so they do not take over your early flowers. 

Save the cooler April days for the basement and inside.  If you have children, choose a rainy April day to go through their wardrobe.  Do not try to do it all in one sitting.  Try on short sleeved shirts one day and shorts the next.  The warm weather happens gradually, so you have time if you did not have to donate all their clothes from last year.  Make a list of items they will need for the warmer weather and maybe you will be lucky and see them on sale. 

Your wardrobe should also be examined.  Decide what you wore last year and what you did not.  Styles change and most people do not wear in their 40’s what they wore in their 20’s.  Decide on what you like and keep items you will really wear.  Maybe you changed careers and your current job is more casual or you are now working from home.  Many experts will tell you to keep the classics not the trendy clothes and that goes for shoes too.  Comfort is also important on shoes as you do not want to be in pain every time you take a step. 

The basement can also be cleaned out during the spring, so items are easier to find when you need them.  Shelving will help keep items off the floor and avoid stacking and the often, crushed box or bin.  Remember to remove anything you are no longer using and anything that has been sitting and unused for years. 

The spring brings us hope and time to declutter so we may enjoy the summer and the outside.