Linen Closet Makeover by Cathy Van Volkenburg

01 Apr 2013 10:47 AM | Julie Riber, CPO® (Administrator)

Linen Closet Makeover

With spring in the air, why not tackle that messy linen closet and get it looking lovely in no time at all.  This task is not an impossible dream…let’s get started! Why not snap a photo or two of your space BEFORE you start….Be sure to have some plastic garbage bags on hand.

  • ·         Take everything out of the closet and place like items together.  Towels in one pile, sheets in another etc.  If you come across items that belong in another part of the house simply put them in a separate pile and keep working on the closet!
  • ·         When everything is out of the closet, sort the items into one of three categories

                     KEEP                                          TOSS                                 DONATE

Carefully examine each item and decide which pile to place it in.  Remember the old adage…”One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” If you no longer need something and it is in good condition, place it in the DONATE pile.  If you have been saving the purple sheets from when your children were young and they have left home, consider putting them in the DONATE pile.  If your stripped quilt has been washed one too many times and is being held together by safety pins, it is time to TOSS it! Now everything should be in one of the three categories.

  • ·         Now it is time to clean the closet thoroughly.  Depending on your time and energy you may want to paint the walls, line the shelves with scented shelf paper or even reconfigure the shelving completely! If your shelves are pulling out from the wall or not able to be adjusted, you can look at Lowes, The Container Store or California Closets for ideas on what can be done to maximize your space.
  • ·         Now that your space is clean and fresh, it is time to tackle the KEEP pile.  Start putting like items together.  Put matching sheets together in a set.  Towels can be grouped by color. Put twin sheet sets together etc.  You can organize the sheets by size and by room.  Take a look at what items you have left and now decide where to put these items in the closet.  It is best to put the most frequently used items at chest – eye height.  Least often used items can be place on the upper shelves.  If you have lots of toiletries you can put them in clear plastic bins with labels. 
  • ·         Place the items on the shelves in your categories and label that shelf.  This way when you are putting clean laundry away, you can keep your system in great order while you learn this new routine.
  • ·         Take the DONATE and TOSS pile immediately out to your car!  Many, many organizations are eager to take your treasures – Goodwill, Volunteers of America or the Faith Mission are only a few of the options.

Take a step back….WOW!  Take a look at your BEFORE photo….nice job!  Maybe now you are inspired to tackle another small project in your home following the same sequence of steps. 

Tips & Resources:

-For a great wall and door rack check out The Container Store

-For a great selection of scented shelf liners visit Bed, Bath & Beyond or Crabtree and Evelyn

-Many office supply stores carry labels but why not purchase a small label maker and have it on hand for many other uses.