Household Landing Zone by Debra Heimann, CPO

02 May 2014 2:46 PM | Julie Riber, CPO® (Administrator)

Household Landing Zone

Has your dining room table or kitchen counter become the dumping ground for keys, purse, mail, chargers, backpacks, school work that needs a signature and the food section from last weekends Sunday paper? Ask yourself why is this stuff here and why does this always happen.? It’s there because you do not have a landing zone and people coming in and out of the house are going to drop whatever on the nearest flat surface. This is an easy fix but will take a bit of effort re-training your family. Look at the door you use most often, does it have wall space to work with? Think hooks for backpacks and purses and a small shelf with a bowl for keys. Is there an electrical outlet? Ikea has a great little shelf with 2 drawers that could hold chargers for your cell phones and maybe a flashlight. Add a couple of decorative wall file holders to corral school papers and the recipes you want to take with you shopping. Now add a mirror for that last personal check before you go out to meet the world. Is the hallway wide enough for a bench? An open bench creates a natural place to stop and unload whatever you are carrying and take your shoes off. Add a large open basket that house-shoes are kept in and your home will be cleaner. Stuff comes in stuff goes out, and everyone needs to be taught this is a landing zone and that nothing lives here permanently.