Purging Can Be a Gift! By Beth Johnson

02 Dec 2015 4:03 PM | Julie Riber, CPO® (Administrator)

Anyone who has ever faced a closet full of out-of-season or too-small clothes, a playroom full of unused kids’ toys, or a basement full of unwanted belongings knows that purging can be a frustrating and exhausting job. It’s overwhelming to make decisions about so much stuff!

What happens when we re-think the job at hand? Instead of seeing your clean-up efforts as an irritating and time consuming job, think of those clothes, toys and random belongings as gifts or work opportunities for others who are less fortunate.

Consider these options:

Professional clothing, shoes and work appropriate accessories (such as briefcases, planners, jewelry, etc.) can help build confidence and encourage individuals seek to reenter the workforce.

Toys that are gently used, cleaned, and include all their parts can help a struggling family enjoy a bountiful holiday season.

Your donated electronic equipment (working or not) can provide employment for disabled workers at Goodwill Industries facilities across the country.

The home décor items that you are tired of, may be the perfect low-priced gift for someone’s dear friend, co-worker or relative.

What do you need to get rid of? Who can benefit from these items?

One year, our family rounded up many years’ worth of leftover craft supplies … really, just a bit of this and that!  With cute recycled baskets and containers, cello wrap and ribbon, we created 10 “Craft Buckets” and donated them to a toy drive that benefits struggling families in our community. Because I have 4 daughters who loved to craft when they were younger, I know that 10 little girls were very happy and creative that Christmas! It made me happy, too … knowing that all those odds-and-ends would be put to good use!

During this season of giving, consider your unwanted clothing, electronics, toys and décor … how can your purged items be a gift to someone in your community?