Start with Simple: A Fresh Approach to Organizing

02 Oct 2016 5:16 PM | Deleted user



When we really don’t want to do something, we tend to find a way to make it complicated. Then we have a good excuse for not doing it in the first place! We agonize over the cost of the supplies or how much time it will take. We over analyze the procedure and research way too many websites.

How about a different approach?

Start with SIMPLE!


  1. Decide to make your bed every morning.
  2. Decide to clean up the kitchen every night.
  3. Decide to wash/dry/and put away each load of laundry.
  4. Decide to sort your mail every day.
  5. Decide to immediately trash/recycle junk mail.
  6. Decide to create designated homes for items you use.
  7. Decide to put items away, not just anywhere, when finished using them.
  8. Decide to arrive 5 minutes early at your destinations.
  9. Decide to go to bed at the same time each night.
  10. Decide to get up at the same time each morning.


  1. Is this item beautiful?
  2. Is this item useful?
  3. Does this item make me smile?
  4. Does this item honor a loved one?
  5. How many do I have of this item?
  6. When did I last use this item?
  7. When exactly will I use this item again?
  8. Is this item broken, ruined, or obsolete?
  9. Would I pay to replace this item?
  10. Does someone else need this item more than I do?


  1. I never liked the ugly mess of internet cords on my kitchen shelf. How delighted I was to find a small crate to hide that mess and yet not interfere with my internet wireless service!
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  2. I’ve been looking for new bedroom curtains for several weeks. With 2 simple stitching lines, I can transform a pretty lace tablecloth into a pretty curtain panel!
  3. I wanted one place to track my monthly income and expenses. I created a simple one page Word chart that is concise, handy, and easy to use. The charts for the year all fit into a small binder with room for receipts and statements.
  4. I wanted my pantry to be useful and stocked with foods I really eat. I emptied all the shelves, sorted all the items, and only put back what I really use. I lined up the items like in a grocery store so I can quickly see what is available or needs replaced. I eliminated random specialty items for forgotten recipes! Other items were donated to a food drive.
  5. I wanted my kitchen cabinets to be easier to use. I emptied all the shelves, sorted all the items, and only kept what I really need and use for this season of my life. It is easier to find a particular dish and easier to put clean dishes away. And I even had room on the top shelf for some pretty “special occasion” dishes that I can now easily use every day!
  6. I wanted to expand the size of my flower beds. I bought one specially designed garden tool, “the garden weasel”, and managed to do the job myself on all 4 sides of my house!
  7. I like having a clean and tidy car. Every time I get out of the car, I collect up trash, papers, coupons, and cups. I keep a package of wet cleaning wipes under the front seat and quickly wipe up any spills. I store first aid supplies, personal supplies, treats, maps, and coupons in zippered pouches in the glove compartment or door pockets. I go to the  $5 car wash every month.
  8. This simple clip for my keys is actually quite useful and has saved me tons of time (slight exaggeration)! It easily slips on my purse handle, belt loop, or wall hook. Quite a deal for $1 or sometimes free at trade shows!



Start with Simple: Simple decisions. Simple questions. Simple solutions.


What is your favorite way to start with simple?

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